Top advantages of wearing a mouthguard when playing sports | Palm Tree Dental

Top advantages of wearing a mouthguard when playing sports

Top advantages of wearing a mouthguard when playing sports?

Sports are good for physical and mental well-being, but it’s no secret that sports-related injuries are a huge concern, especially when it comes to teeth, mouth, and other facial structures.

Advantages of wearing a mouthguard

Continue reading to find out why you should make sure you should wear a mouth guard while playing sports.

It reduces the possibility of injury

Every year, around 3.5 million people are wounded while participating in sports. Mouthguards, as well as helmets, shin guards, and knee pads, are essential to prevent these injuries.

In reality, mouthguards save around 200,000 teeth and oral injuries each year.

It protects more than just teeth

Wearing a mouth guard protects more than just an athlete’s teeth. It also protects the gums, soft tissues, tongue, and lips. This is because mouthguards absorb a large portion of the force of a quick and violent fall or tackle, ensuring that the force of impact does not hit a single area of the mouth.

This is also a great strategy to avoid serious jaw injuries and other potentially serious trauma.

Airflow should not be restricted

We recommend having a customized mouthguard built if you are concerned about how a mouthguard may affect breathing. A mold of your teeth and mouth will be taken by a dental specialist and a mouthguard will be made based upon that mold. This ensures that the guard fits perfectly, does not slip, and allows for optimal ventilation.

You can also read : Mouthguards- The best Bodyguard for your Teeth

A sports mouthguard safeguards your investment

You’ve spent a lot of time and even more money, perfecting your smile. One of the most important reasons why you should always wear a protective mouth guard when participating in sports is because they are far less expensive than restorative dental work and far less uncomfortable.

It’s sometimes all about safeguarding your investment.

Mouthguards Work for a Variety of Sports

Another advantage of using a sports mouthguard? They are employed in a variety of sports. Whether you enjoy hockey, basketball, or high-contact sports such as football or even wrestling, a mouth guard will keep your teeth and mouth safe.

Invest in Athletic Mouthguards Right Now!

Mouthguards are critically necessary for a variety of reasons, including protecting teeth and jaws from major harm and safeguarding your orthodontic investments. Want to arrange an appointment to learn more about how to improve your smile? Contact Palm Tree Dental to discover more about what we have to offer and to receive essential dental care advice.

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